In accord with Māori custom we first acknowledge all of our people.
We greet the living and pay our respects to those who have passed from this life. We make tribute to the ancient and recent ancestors of the Pūkahakaha East 5B lands, and to their descendants, the hapū of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari. Greetings and salutations to you all.
Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust is an Ahu Whenua Trust established for the benefit of the Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari hapū. The beneficiaries of the trust are derived from these three hapū and the marriages of Te Huaki to Tukaiteuru and Te Kahuwhero to Te Uhi.
Ko ngā tāngata e whai tika ki Pūkahakaha East 5B, he uri whakaheke ia nō te tupuna Tuatahi me āna tamahine Te Kahuwhero rāua ko Te Huaki.
Ka herea taua tangata ki ngā hapū o Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā me Ngāti Takapari o Ngai Tāhūhū. Kei a rātou anō te mana whenua o te ākau roa mai Tutukākā tāpiri at ki Ngunguru, Kairaumati, Horahora, Pātaua tae atu ki Taiharuru.
PE5BT Trustees make decisions around managing and growing the assets of PE5BT. Whether this looks at investing money into new assets. In consultation with our investors, legal advisors.
There is a focus on building governance capability and capacity for Pūkahakaha East 5B. We reflect on the learnings gained from our many relationships, including with the Māori Trustee and Te Tumu Paeroa, to identify our strengths and address areas for development.
Our greatest asset is our people, the beneficiaries to whom belongs the whakapapa, through which we inherit the whenua. We will invest in our people in a sustainable manner, focusing on initiatives to increase financial literacy, business acumen, entrepreneurial skills and move our people closer to financial independence.
We want to see our Marae flourish, and to envision a future where papa-kāinga are part of the surrounding landscape, providing for extended whānau living. Our Marae should have the ability to become fully established, to develop their own economic base, and to think about a future where they can provide contemporary services whilst maintaining traditional practices.
We will invest in our Marae in a sustainable manner, to support and strengthen existing Marae activities, and to encourage future activities that preserve our language and keep the customary practices of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, and Ngāti Takapari culturally strong.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Ko Pātaua Te Maunga
Ko Taiharuru Te Awa
Ko Te Whare Pāpuni Te Papakāinga
Ko Mahanga Te Tangata
Ko Ngāti Kororā, Ko Te Waiariki, Ko Ngāti Taka Ngā Hapū
Ko Hurumanu Te Waka
Ko Te Waiariki Te Iwi
Tiheiwa Mauriora!
I was raised with Te Reo Māori as my first language, and schooled in the traditions, customs and histories of my hapū. By listening and observation I learnt the skills of leadership from the practice of my mātua, kuia and kaumatua. At a young age I learnt to accept the weight of duty, responsibility and obligation to my people.
As the Chair of Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust I am both honoured and humbled by the opportunity to serve my people. My formal education from primary to tertiary was supported with funds from the Trust. I have a strong sense of commitment to give back to the Trust and to the people the opportunities they had given to me.
As the Ahu Whenua for the hapū of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Taka, the Trust strives to safeguard the whenua and assets for the beneficial owners while continuing to increase the value of the estate and building economic, social and cultural potential.
The Trust's ambitions are lofty and cannot be completed alone. We ask for you to join us on this journey as we seek to realise the aspirations of a bright, sustainable future for the generations to come.
“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari taku toa he toa takimano”
My strength comes not from me alone, but from the strength of many
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Me mahitahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa.
(Engage in the work for the wellbeing of all)
Ko Pātaua te puke tapu i marumarutia toku kāinga noho.
Ko Taiharuru, ko Pātaua, ko Horahora, ko Ngunguru ngā awa e wha I whangai au.
Ko au he uri o Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Takapari.
Ko Kereama Mahanga toku ingoa
I am ever humbled by the great responsibility given to strive to attend to the needs of my people as your trustee for Pūkahakaha East 5B.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Ko Pukearengarenga, Ko Te Rehu-o-Tane, Ko Whakairiora ngā maunga e tū te ao, e tū te pō.
Ko Ngunguru, ko Horahora, ko Pātaua, ko Taiharuru ngā awaawa e rere atu tētahi ki tētahi rā.
Ko Ngāti Taka, ko Te Waiariki, ko Ngāti Kororā ngā hapū nei.
Ko NgāPuhi, Ko TeWaiariki, Ko NgātiWai ngā iwi rā.
It is an honor and a privilege being a Trustee on Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust, to continue the legacy of kaitiakitanga/prudent stewartship, and whanaketanga/development (including the repatriation and retention) of our whenua, passed down to us by our tūpuna. I am a part of that continuum and look forward to a sustainable future for our mokopuna!
“Whāngai Mokopuna ki te Ao Tūroa – Create a sustainable world for our Mokopuna”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
E pāpaki ana ngā tai e rua, ko te tai tamatāne me te tai tamawāhine, ki te rerenga wairua, kei reira e kitea ngā kaitiaki ō te āo wairua, ko mātou tēnā. I te taha ō tōku pāpā he uri ahau mai te hiku o te ika. I te taha ō tōku māmā he uri ahau nō ngati hau ki Pehiaweri. Ko Kahukuri te tupuna ki uta.
Ko Te Waiariki Ngati korora ki te taha o te tai.
Ko Huruhurumanu te waka
Ko Te Mawe te tupuna
Ko Pātaua te maunga
Ko Pātaua tuhono ki Taihāruru ngā awa
Ko Taiparia, Pātaua ki te tonga te tupuna whenua taku kainga noho hoki
I am of Māori, Portuguese and Irish heritage. I live humbly on the whenua my tupuna once occupied. I am a proud daughter, sister, mother and wife. I have a deep connection to te taiao and like to practice kaitiakitanga in my lifestyle.
I am honored to be given the chance to serve my people. As your responsible trustee I hope to be your voice and bring forward your aspirations.
I am currently employed by the environmental arm of the Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust. My job titles are Te Uri o Hau Taumata Kaunihera Secretary and the Toi Te Uri o Hau coordinator. My responsibilities are vast, but includes tikanga, arts, culture and heritage tasks.
- Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitu te whenua. People will come and go but the land will remain.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Ko maunga Tihitihi ka titiro atu rā ki Whakairiora, ki Pātaua
Ko te awa o Waitangi e rere iho nei, ka rere atu, ka honotia ki te awa o Ngunguru
Ko Maruata te papakāinga, te wahi nohonga o ngā tūpuna e maha
Ko Te Huihuinga Mahanga rāua ko Rima Parata Parata Minarapa ōku Tūpuna
Ko Ngāti Kororā me Ngāti Hau ngā hapū
Ko Te Waiariki me Ngāpuhi ngā iwi
Ko Tukairangi Maxwell tōku ingoa.
Ko te Amorangi ki mua, ko te Hāpai ō ki muri
He tino hōnore nōku kia whai tūranga ki tēnei poari. Hei whakakanohi i a mātou ngā
uri o Ngāti Kororā, o Te Waiariki e noho nei ki tua whenua, ki Maruata. Ko te pūtake
o taku ekenga, kia kimihia, kia hapaia, kia akiakingia i tētahi huarahi whai oranga,
whai hua, whai kaha mō a tātou tamariki, me o tātou kaumatua, kuikuia, tae atu ki te
iwi whānui.
Ko ōku pūkenga, ko te mahi pākihi. Mā roto i tēna mahi, ko te wawata kē, kia tiakina
i ngā whenua, i ngā rawa, i o tātou pūtea, i o tātou tarahiti, kia whakarahi ake hoki i o
tātou rawa.
Ko ngā mea nui ki au, ko te hanga whare, whanake whānau hauora,
whakawhanaungatanga, me te mātauranga.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Ko te kōtare i te ata ko Whakairiora ka tū i te aranga o te rā Karekare kau ana te awa hōhonu a Horahora Ko Te Mawe te tupuna te aporei, he tipua he atua.
Ko ngā whenua taurikura e tangi nei mo te tangata, e tangi ana mo ngā uri o ngā hapū a Te Waiariki, Ngāti Korora me Ngāti Takapari.
He huanga ahau no ēnei hapū katoa, Ko Ngāti Kahu o Torongare, Te Waiariki, Ngāti Korora, Ngāti Takapari, Te Ngaherehere, Te Orewai, me Te Parawhau.
Tēnā tātou, Ko Kauangarua Kingi toku ingoa, I whanāu mai ahau no toku mama a Leigh Bredenbeck me toku Papa a Winiwini Kingi.
Ko taku tūranga nui i roto i tenei ao, mo te roanga ake o taku oranga, he Mama ki āku tamariki tokotoru.
Ko taku tūranga tuarua he pononga ki taku Iwi me āna kaupapa, te ao Māori me āna tikanga katoa, kia noho tūturu ahau ki ngā taera me ngā mātāpono o te iwi me ngā tūpuna.
He tauira ahau nō te kura o te Whare Wānanga o te Pākenga, e ako ana ahau I te Bachelor of Business Management, Majoring in Māori Enterprise.
Nāku te hōnore me te whiwhi, i waimarie atu ahau i whakapono mai koutou ki ahau kia noho hei tarahitī ki runga o te Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust mo koutou.
He ngungu tae, he horo whenua, he paraoa taku koiwi, he pa kai kiri mo te iwi toitu ai.
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Tēnā Koutou e te whānau whānui ō Pūkahakaha East 5B.
He uri ahau nō ngā maunga Panguru, Whakairiora, Manaia, me Taranaki. Ko Te Rarawa, ko Ngāpuhi, ko Ngātiwai, ko Ngāti Mutunga ngā iwi. Ko Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Takapari, me Ngāti Uenuku ngā hapū.
I am descended from a long and illustrious whakapapa that brings together many lines connecting me to the aforementioned maunga, iwi and hapū.
My heart belongs to te awa o Ngunguru, my Te Waiariki people, and my many mokopuna.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Hapū affiliation: Te Whānau Whero, Ngāti Takapari, Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Hari
Iwi affiliation: NgatiWai, Ngapuhi, Ngāti Maniapoto
Tukuna kia rere aku mihi ki a koutou katoa ngā whānau whānui o te rohe nei.
He uri ahau nō ngā marena e rua; ko Te Huaki ki Tukaiteuru, ko Te Kahuwhero ki Te Uwhi. Ko au te tamaiti tuarua kei roto i tōku whānau. My name comes from my Great Grandmother, Te Uaina Tapoto Mahanga, who is our connection to Kereama Te Peke.
In education, I followed the path of my māmā to receive a Bachelor of Education - Huarahi Māori from Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau. Mai i tēnei kākano, ka puawai tōku aroha mō Te Reo Māori.
I am currently working as the administration officer for Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust. Through this mahi I am able to meet new whānaunga and see the full breadth of our whenua. Everyday I learn more about my heritage which is a gift from being among my people.
- Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua
Pūkahakaha East 5B Commercial was established on 01 Sep 2022. Its role is to explore and engage in viable commercial opportunities, for and on behalf of the Trust and beneficial owners collectively, with a focus on future generations. The Trust Commercial is an initiative of and belongs 100 percent to Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust.
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Ko Huruiki te maunga
Ko Puhipuhi te whenua
Ko Whakapara te awa
Ko Whakapara te marae
Ko Ngāti Hau me Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea ngā hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi me Ngātiwai ngā iwi
Brandon (Ngāpuhi, Ngātiwai) is married to Kiri (Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri, TeArawa) and they have three children, Taiawa, Siena and Kaya. Brandon and his whānau live at Matapōuri. Brandon is a qualified lawyer and former investment banker who has worked professionally in Auckland, Hong Kong, Singapore and London. These days, Brandon and his whānau are kaimanaaki of their ancestral mountain, Huruiki, and own and operate a number of businesses focussed on enhancing the wellbeing of taiao and whānau.
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Ko Pātaua Te Maunga
Ko Taiharuru Te Awa
Ko Te Whare Pāpuni Te Papakāinga
Ko Mahanga Te Tangata
Ko Ngāti Kororā, Ko Te Waiariki, Ko Ngāti Taka Ngā Hapū
Ko Hurumanu Te Waka
Ko Te Waiariki Te Iwi
Tiheiwa Mauriora!
I was raised with Te Reo Māori as my first language, and schooled in the traditions, customs and histories of my hapū. By listening and observation I learnt the skills of leadership from the practice of my mātua, kuia and kaumatua. At a young age I learnt to accept the weight of duty, responsibility and obligation to my people.
As the Chair of Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust I am both honoured and humbled by the opportunity to serve my people. My formal education from primary to tertiary was supported with funds from the Trust. I have a strong sense of commitment to give back to the Trust and to the people the opportunities they had given to me.
As the Ahu Whenua for the hapū of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Taka, the Trust strives to safeguard the whenua and assets for the beneficial owners while continuing to increase the value of the estate and building economic, social and cultural potential.
The Trust's ambitions are lofty and cannot be completed alone. We ask for you to join us on this journey as we seek to realise the aspirations of a bright, sustainable future for the generations to come.
“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari taku toa he toa takimano”
My strength comes not from me alone, but from the strength of many
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Ko Pukearengarenga, Ko Te Rehu-o-Tane, Ko Whakairiora ngā maunga e tū te ao, e tū te pō.
Ko Ngunguru, ko Horahora, ko Pātaua, ko Taiharuru ngā awaawa e rere atu tētahi ki tētahi rā.
Ko Ngāti Taka, ko Te Waiariki, ko Ngāti Kororā ngā hapū nei.
Ko NgāPuhi, Ko TeWaiariki, Ko NgātiWai ngā iwi rā.
It is an honor and a privilege being a Trustee on Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust, to continue the legacy of kaitiakitanga/prudent stewartship, and whanaketanga/development (including the repatriation and retention) of our whenua, passed down to us by our tūpuna. I am a part of that continuum and look forward to a sustainable future for our mokopuna!
“Whāngai Mokopuna ki te Ao Tūroa – Create a sustainable world for our Mokopuna”
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Ko Whakairiora te maunga tapu i marumarutia toku kainga noho.
Ko Te Waiariki te hapū.
Ko Ngunguru, ko Horahora, ko Pātaua, ko Taiharuru ngā awa e wha i whāngai au.
Ko John Hira Tana toku ingoa
John is married to Deborah Tana and they have 4 children, Levi, Rawiri, Reuben, and Abigail.
John is currently CEO / Managing Director for TanaNZ a large national company servicing the commercial, construction, industrial and renewable energy sectors throughout Aotearoa.
John has also worked in the UK and Australia in senior management roles within the LNG and mining construction sectors.
John has a huge passion for Māori-owned businesses and strong leadership training with a purpose that has vision to create and generate wealth, health, wellbeing, and to invest time into our environmental issues for our whenua and moana.
"I have a deep connection to te taiao and have great respect to our tūpuna for the legacy they have left our people. This is why we do what we do, for the future of our mokopuna and generations to come"
Successive applications were made to the Chief Judge, Māori Land Court, resulting in a hui-ā-hapū held at Ngunguru Marae in July 2012. Called by the Māori Trustee, the hui-ā-hapū appealed to the descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari, to address directives of the Chief Judge. Wānanga held during 2012-13 provided a forum for the beneficial owners to discuss the future direction of Pūkahakaha East 5B. New Advisory Trustees for the Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust were later selected.
The Advisory Trustees worked to advance a change to the Responsible Trustee, and to oversee authority being returned to the beneficial owners. The Advisory Trustees continued to work for the next five years to transition the Trust to a place where members can have a say on whether to make an application to become a self-governed Trust.
Our mission expresses the role and responsibility essential to achieving our vision. Through the decisions we make and the actions we take, we will do what is necessary to protect our current assets, preserve their integrity and increase their value and opportunity.
We respect our whakapapa ties to one another
We care for our people and others
We protect our whānau, hapū and whenua
We work together as one to create a sustainable and brighter future
We honour Te Ao Māori, our past, present and future
We are responsible to one another and the generations to come